2010 in review

My first year of Blogging my random scattered thoughts…. So WordPress sends me my stats, and I guess it wasn’t a total disaster!!  So I thought I’d share some of my blogging stats on this Jan 2nd of 2011

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 4,500 times in 2010. That’s about 11 full 747s.

In 2010, there were 75 new posts, not bad for the first year! There were 274 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 150mb. That’s about 5 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was July 6th with 82 views. The most popular post that day was Into the Valley of the Shadow of Death ~ Part 3 ~ Little Bighorn River ~ June 2010.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were facebook.com, digg.com, healthfitnesstherapy.com, dating-online2u.blogspot.com, and storagesavvy.com.

Some visitors came searching, mostly for general charles krulak, livingsocial interview process, giants rookie of the year, buster posey, and livingsocial interview questions.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


Into the Valley of the Shadow of Death ~ Part 3 ~ Little Bighorn River ~ June 2010 July 2010


Buster Posey ~ San Francisco Giants~ Rookie of the year ? July 2010


Professional Ethics ~ Speech by General Charles Krulak April 2010


Living Social ~ New Company, New Career November 2010
3 comments and 2 Likes on WordPress.com


Custer’s leadership during the Battle of the Washita~ 1868 June 2010

The doors my Fitness focus has opened for me. Am I about to be Living Social?

I’ve spoken many times on how things used to be…. I used to be tired all of the time, stressed, High BP… I had every old man problem you could think of.  I was walking down the street angry, depressed and frankly didn’t see the point of all of this.  I’d been working in the same industry for 25 years, and it had lost its challenge, it’s luster, it’s fun.

So in 2008 I started to try to fix me.  I walked 3 miles a day, at least 5 days a week for the entire damn year.  I put over 600 miles on my poor treadmill, there were days when I just didn’t want to do it, and there were days when I really got into it. And when the year ended and I looked at my walking log, I felt great, like I’d accomplished something.  And I wanted more.  So, I asked for the program that everyone was talking about, this P90X thing.  And I went to work on that.  I worked out for 60 days before some family issues came into play, and I had to travel quite a bit down to San Francisco to spend time with my ill brother.  And through the horrible reason I was there, a wonderful thing happened, I reconnected to a city that I love. I reconnected to my childhood in the Bay Area, I reconnected to a baseball team that I LOVED as a child. And although my brothers illness didn’t end well, I found a city and fell in love with it again.  I’m not sure I could have handled the stress of dealing with that time if I hadn’t already started working on myself in Jan of that year.  By working out 6 days a week, I not only was healing my body, but another surprise was happening.  My mind was opening up again, my attitude was fantastic, I was looking at the world NOT as a big pain in the rear like I had, but a wonderful place that had endless possibilities and hopes and dreams in store for me.  Imagine that….. over 50, feeling like it was all over, and kicking yourself into gear and witnessing the change for yourself that I’d heard from all the P90X nuts in this country.  

 I”ll be damned….. IT WORKS!!!!!  I’m a lean, mean, happy machine these days.  My mind is open to all my future holds, and I’m grabbing it by the……  well… you know.  As the economy continued to struggle, and my business along with it, I realized that I’m too young to retire,  too young and have too much passion for things still to sit back and do nothing.   I’m a type A, passionate person who feels things very strongly and needs to have new challenges and focus in his life.

About a year ago, a good friend of my son’s took a job with a company called Living Social, a new startup company that was hooking up people in cities around the country with cool things to do in their towns at significant discounts.   I thought it was a pretty good concept and was happy for him.  And I kept an eye on them, opening up new cities each month, new areas of business.  They now are global and venture capitalists have believed in their concept as well.  I was told that they were opening up new markets in the Seattle area, and I Facebook messaged Colm to ask him if he thought they’d consider hiring a 50 something guy who’s looking for a new challenge.  He responded to me right away and told me that they had quite a few reps my age, and that if I was serious, I should apply. And when I do, he’d do his best to tell his local manager to please look over my resume.    So I pondered it for a few days, did my homework on the company some more and the more I looked the more I liked this and when I like something and become a believer….. watch out!!

My POINT is….. If I hadn’t opened up my mind to new challenges, to personal development strategies, to getting off my a** and going for something, I’d never have grabbed this opportunity when it presented itself.   So, anybody out there have a personal story like mine? Of course you do, let me know what your story is, and I can show you how to pick yourself up and dust yourself off.  You just need to believe, that’s all. 

Tomorrow:   What happened???  Did I get the job????  How did I do with my first job interview in decades??  Did I blow it??   tune in tomorrow for the details……  I’ll tell you one thing…. It went better than this:

Emotional Eating

This is a great article that was posted by Tony Horton on facebook by Susan Lucy.  It is a great look and discussion at a very common problem among us called Emotional Eating.  This has been one of my personal battles to correct from the very beginning of my journey in health and fitness.  Thanks to my success buddy, Brett Hartley for posting this article.  I thought you all should be sure you saw it.  I get strength from his strength.  He’s my friend and partner in my health and wellness focus.  Read on to see and get the support YOU need for success.

Emotional Eating

by Susan Lucy and Tony Horton on Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Did you ever have one of those moments where you are trying to find an answer or solution and like magic, something happens that is exactly what you are looking for? I was sitting here tonight trying to think of a topic to write about this week. I knew I wanted to focus on food – we are entering the danger zone with Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas on the horizon. As I sat there thinking, I got a little distress email from a friend who was struggling lately with her eating habits. Bingo – So this week’s topic is on one that is very close to my heart – EMOTIONAL EATING.

Emotional eating happens any time you eat, not because you are physically hungry, but because you have feelings of boredom, depression, loneliness, fear, anger or frustration. Eating takes your mind off the feelings. Eating comforts you – well some of the time.

Have you ever had this scenario: You are dealing with some stress – maybe you under a deadline for something, maybe you are fighting with your spouse, your children; you walk by a bowl of candy and mindlessly grab one. You are saying to yourself “don’t do it” but it’s only one right? How bad is that for you? Sometimes, that one candy is all you needed but sometimes, that breach opens some flood gates. The little demons take over. You grab one or maybe two more and start saying “well you already blew it, you might as well keep eating them” and so you do and more than likely you ultimately feel horribly, physically and emotionally.

I believe there is a fine line between that “comfort” stage and that “I feel like crap” stage. Unfortunately, when we eat emotionally, we sometimes are unable to stop ourselves before we get to the latter stage. That’s when food becomes our enemy and then we have more than just one problem – we still have the original feeling (like stress) to deal with but now we also feel bad because we ate too much or too poorly. Suddenly, food isn’t so comforting anymore.

As many of you know, I was a very big emotional eater, so much so, I developed Bulimia to “treat” my bad habit. It took me many many years and many successes and failures to figure out strategies that worked for me. Emotional eating is really hard because unlike alcohol or drugs, we NEED food so if that is your “addiction”, then you HAVE to find a way to control your eating habits and learn to live with food. Through new habits, a love of my body to treat it well, and a strong will to be better, I have been able to ward off most emotional eating disasters but I know I am still suseptible to them and probably always will be.

Here are some ideas that I use that have helped me tremendously. Keep in mind though, sometimes, despite all the strategies, emotional eating will win and your best strategy there is to be forgiving of yourself and move on because tomorrow is a new day and we all get a do-over. Nobody is perfect!!

  • Keep a food diary. Identifying any stress, negative thoughts or emotions you’re having at the time will help you determine why you are eating. Sometimes just knowing you have to record what you ate will prevent you eating it. Be honest here!! You must record everything, not just the good stuff you ate. Food diaries are so critical to successful eating, I can’t say enough about them.
  • Identify patterns of emotional eating. Many people find that overeating tends to occur at specific times and in specific places. For me, it’s 4 pm almost daily. The kids get home from school; we are scrambling to get homework done, eat a mini dinner and then we are off to whatever event is on the daily calendar. (This is my Shakeology time – more on that later)
  • Plan alternatives and change routines. Do something that removes you from the situation that results in overeating. Sometimes all you need to do create a diversion. I will sometimes take 5 long breaths and then drink water or hot tea, go in my room, call a friend, go outside.
  • Remove tempting foods. Don’t buy the foods you crave when stressed! Having them in your house or desk is a disaster waiting to happen. Have healthy alternatives that also satisfy that need (maybe some dark chocolate melted over strawberries – still feels like cheating but with a lot less calories than Oreos). I believe in allowing yourself a couple of “planned healthy cheats” a week will help you ward off overeating. Depriving yourself completely can send you into a tailspin. This is why I love Shakeology. I drink mine at 4pm – chocolate, sometimes with berries, sometimes with banana and some nut butter, always blended like a shake. It is healthy and satisfies all my cravings for something sugary and sweet. It has been a life saver!
  • Know when to give in. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you may still give in to cravings. This is where the planning comes into play. For instance, if you really want some chips and you just have to have them – buy the single serving bags and allow yourself that. Don’t bring the Supersize Tostitos over to the couch while you watch tv – big mistake – HUGE!!
  • Enjoy your meals. Turn off the tv, sit down, use a plate and utensils. Eat slowly ( It takes 15 minutes for the brain to realize you are full). Don’t drink a lot of liquid during dinner. Taste your food and let you body be satisfied.
  • Have a success partner. It’s always good to have someone to keep you accountable, to turn to when you need that distraction or to tell you “tomorrow is a new day” when “you blew it” (which isn’t true because this is about lifestyle eating, not some DIET)

Need success partner?  Someone that will be there to help you get started and be there to answer questions and provide support every step of the way so YOU are successful?   Then let me help you.  Contact me!  All successful journey’s begin with a step in the right direction.  Lets make that step together!


Consistancy, passion and caring is what drives it all……

As my focus gets back to business, both in my Advertising and Fitness business, I start thinking about what has been the driving forces in both my success and failures in business. 

I started selling when I was still in High School.  I got a job in a gas station when I was 16 years old, I loved it.  I worked hard, and it taught me that it did matter how I did my job.  Then I was hired from that place by Standard Oil Company.  They owed company stations, where you were expected to sell automotive accessories as well as gasoline in their stations.  So, I learned, I’d wash the windshields, and check the wiper blades for wear, I’d ask to check the oil, and check the radiator, while at it, I’d check the condition of the cap, see if the seal was worn or broken, and then check the air filter to make sure it was clean.   Check the pressure in the tires and while I was at it, look at the wear and condition.  Quite a few times I’d find bald tires, or bubbles that had the potential for danger down the road. Many people bought from me , I was providing a service, NOT just trying to sell something to someone who didn’t need it.   In fact most of them were appreciative of the service, some said, ” No thank you.”  And some didn’t trust the process, they didn’t care if their tires were bald, radiator cap was broken, wipers were torn… They just didn’t want to be sold anything, whether they needed it or not.  And I said OK, and closed the hood finished the service and moved on to the next customer.   Those days of  “Service Stations” are pretty much long gone now.  Gas was around .35 per gallon, and people were bitching then too.  We took pride in what we did, and who we were in doing it.  I never felt I was selling stuff, but trying to head off any future problems by doing the work now and letting them know that there was a breakdown risk  and a simple solution was available.

What I’m doing now, working with people and helping them in their fitness and nutrition is very similar to what I did when I was in my late teens.  I have the pleasure of helping people who want better for themselves.  Better health, better diet, better core strength.  Those people who want to be part of the health care solution and not the problem. I’ve written before how I’ve dropped 30 lbs, stopped taking my Cholesterol and blood pressure medication since I found Beachbody products and services.  I’m the kind of guy who, when he buys in….HE BUYS IN!!!   If I decide to do something, I want to be very good at it.  And since the moment I decided to get my fat ass into good shape, I took it very seriously.  NOTHING was going to get in my way, it became the first focus of my day, and once that became my lifestyle, my life improved.  In ways I never dreamed of.  And as I’ve said before, when 2009 finished off, and I was hanging around with no passion, no focus, no drive.  I realized that I HAD to do something in order to survive both mentally and physically.  So I dove into my P90X workouts, became a coach and made myself accountable to not only me, but each and every person I was talking to about Beachbody’s solution to the seemingly insurmountable healthcare crisis.

And as I started sharing this vision and passion the reaction has and continues to be mixed.  Mixed in the sense of, many people are really looking for help, and appreciate help.  Those people, like me, really have wanted all along to join this lifestyle, but didn’t know what the hell to do and are glad that someone is there to help them.  Sick of the Gym scene, waiting in line to get to the machine that looks inviting, but once there  not having the first clue on how to use the damn thing without hiring a trainer that will bill you 50.00 an hour or so.   It wasn’t my thing, and these home based workout programs really worked for me, and continue to do the trick. So, along with those who want, need and appreciate the help, come those who, just like in my old gas station business, just don’t want to be sold.  At all costs, they know what you’re saying is right, they know that they need to start moving their bodies, they KNOW it.  But just don’t want YOU to know that they know.  So, they will listen, nod their heads, tell you they’ll think about it, and…… then stop returning your calls because they don’t want to give you the satisfaction for some unknown reason of being the one to help.  They want to do it ” their way” Some will join the gym now, and not tell you, some won’t.  And then you wonder.  Did I come on too strong?  Why don’t they trust me?  What did I do wrong?  But the reality is maybe… maybe to all of them. And there is no right answer. There are too many scams out there right now, too many dishonest people trying to steal others identity and money.  And the more of them there are, the harder it is for good ideas, business’ and good people to get their word out and have it listened to.  And it does get frustrating at times, it makes me wonder if I’m doing the right thing.   Doubting myself.

But I keep going, when someone sees me who I haven’t seen in a while, they are amazed at my transformation, amazed how @ 54 years old, I’ve added muscle, lost fat, and have the energy of a 20 something again.  And then I get an email from one of my clients that says:


You are making a HUGE difference in both our lives.  We were already on the path, but you have really accelerated our motivation!  We have always eaten well, however, this is the first time we’re really tracking what we are eating and really staying true to what we want.  It’s working.Keep it up – you are doing great! 

And it makes me feel soooo alive!!  That what I’m doing is making a difference, and is a good thing for me and those who just want more for themselves.

So, my drive, passion and determination is clear.  To build my Beachbody Coaching business in the right way. To help those who are willing to listen and trust me with their health.  I’ll keep doing this, because I KNOW it’s right. I’ll focus on helping those in need, and not in what it can do for me financially.  And THAT focus is what will make this successful. 


Beachbody Coaches Summit ~ Los Angeles ~ 2010

Been away for 3 days in Los Angeles for my first Coaches Summit. Beachbody has about 23,000 signed up coaches now and about 2,000 or so attended this once a year get together of dynamic people.
It’s difficult to put into words what and how this focus has changed myself and thousands of other people across not only the US but the world. As I’ve mentioned in previous rants, that at the same time as politicians are arguing how to mandate healthcare in this country, there are thousands of Beachbody coaches spanning the US spreading the word on how to do it, and do it right. Take control of YOUR health is the word, accountability one person at a time. And who doesn’t agree with this message. We ALL do, but fear and uncertainty seem to carry the day for many. I completely understand where people are coming from as I’ve been there. I’ve said ” I’m too old to change”. I’ve said ” These programs are for young people”.
I’ve said ” There is NO way I could do that”. I’ve said ” I don’t have the time”. Well brothers and sisters, it’s time you MADE the time, because the only thing you have to lose is the quality of your life. And I’ll keep spreading that message until it’s MY time. Anyway, my point is, I’m not a guy who jumps on bandwagons. Never have, never will. I’ve looked at others who have taken care of themselves and say ” I wish I could look like that “. We all do, let’s be real. And we all can, forget about genetics, good diet and the right exercise program can stuff bad genetics into the toilet.
The healthcare issue in the world is in its infancy. This industry is a baby, and I’ve hooked up my wagon to an industry leader. A company that knows step by step how to help people help themselves. A company that has hired the best of the best to get them there. This weekend I got to meet all the top coaches, all of the people who decided to spend their money and get to LA, get to LA to learn, get to LA to improve themselves…. Get to LA to get better and helping others get better. It was a magical few days, full of energy, smiles, great attitudes. Full of healthy and happy people. But also there were those who’ve heard the message and are in the process of health and fitness. And it’s all a work in process, for all of us. Where are you in this process? Ask yourself that. Ask yourself how you’re leading the way in this subject in regards to your family and friends. And then when you get the answer, make a decision, dare to dream, dream big. Take the steps for the life you’ve only imagined.
Beachbody coaches are FREE. We don’t charge a single damn dime for our services. We help every step of the way. I coach people in EACH stage of fitness, I have people who need to lose over 100 lbs, I have people who just want to improve their health. I have people who just want to tone up and don’t have a weight issue. And I customize the plan for each and every one of them. NO CHARGE.
I send out weekly health newsletters, I tell all my struggles in this. Because I still have struggles after 6 months of working out 6 days a week. I have a long way to go to achieve my goals, but I’ve just made pushing play on my DVD player each and every morning my lifestyle now, and it’s just not an issue anymore to motivate myself to do it. Every bad habit, not working out, smoking, overeating.. all of them takes about 3 – 4 weeks to break.. So you just start the process and go.
I went to Summit to get better. Better for me, and those I’m trying to help. And this process has given me a new passion and focus that I thought was gone after 53 years. I want to help those who want it, and I will help them at any level they want. It’s not about me, it’s about them. When I see or hear from of someone I’ve helped and they thank me for changing their lives…. I just smile and it inspires me to try harder, try harder in my workouts, and try harder to be a better coach and leader. And my plan and my drive is to try harder each and every day.