Another Year bites the dust !!!

Oh come on!!!!  How the hell is it 2011 already!!  This is getting serious people!!!  

I swear it was just last week when it was going to turn 2000!!!  That was such a big deal.  The world’s computers were all going to shut down, all of our power sources were going to go Kaput, the press had us… as usual…. scared to death of…… whatever was on their agenda at the time.   But more alarmingly, it was only about a month ago, in 1974 that I graduated High School at Del Valle in Walnut Creek, CA.  I might have told this story B4, but in my senior year of HS, my parents divorced, I moved out of the family house @ 17.  I worked in a gas station in those days, opening it up @ 6:00 in the morning, going to my classes and then closing it down at night.  Needed to. I needed the money to live.  My dad helped me, so I wasn’t totally alone out there.  After High School I joined the Navy, and then the rest is kind of a blur really.  Many years come streaming into my conscienceless as I write this.  We all have those moments in our lives when were young and try to imagine what our lives will be like waaayy in the future….. And at that time, the future was when…. if …..we made it to 40 years old or so. 

 Now, in 2011 I’ll be 55 fergawdsakes!!!!  How in the world did THAT happen?  Frankly, I’m confused by the whole thing and not willing to punt just yet.  God knows, I have my moments,  as we all do as humans.  The days where our energy levels are just not there.  The days of being tired, tired of the grind, tired of trying… trying… trying……  But then a new day dawns and we all have another shot at the golden ring.   And that’s another thing, who the hell coined THAT term?

Whoever it was  had it pretty close.  We all, whether we know it or not, strive for more.  More things, more health, more cash, more in our relationships, more….. more….. more…..  It’s human nature NOT to be satisfied with things.  If were rich, we feel like we just need a little more, if were poor we feel like if we’d just have some money, everything would be great, If were unhealthy, our thought process goes towards knowing in our hearts that if we were healthier, we’d be happier.

Why do we always do that? Why do we blame luck, or other people, or the universe for our lot in life?  I’m as guilty as the next guy.  We’re all human people.  We curse the world for what it is and what it’s become.  Let’s not curse our financial lot, or health for what it is…  Let’s take responsibility for why it is. We all come to many crossroads in our lives.  Times where we just have to decide which way to go. Time to either  go to the Right, Left, or up the middle.  Those decisions shape our lives, our families lives and I’ll go far as to say future generations of your families lives.  Forget about the wrong turns you’ve taken and look forward to the turns still to come.  Take pride in your abilities to turn around whatever is kicking your butt today into the opportunity of tomorrow.  YOU CAN DO IT!! We all can.  Let’s stop complaining on what we do not like and start focusing on what we want.    It’s NEVER too late to go for it.  We all are in charge of what  we are up to this point in our lives.  But moreover….. we’re in complete charge on what well be in 2011 and beyond.  Nobody else is, WE are.  So, if you want a better life in 2011, start making better decisions in your life.  Are you plagued by poor decisions?  Then take baby steps.  Take stock in you.  Look at that image what is looking back at you in the mirror and analyze that person.  Is this a person you’re proud of?  If not…. why??  What steps can you make today, right now to turn that around.   Not sure how?

Start with doing the things we KNOW are right for us.  If you have a drinking problem, get help, take charge of your own life and change it.  If you have an eating problem,  you know what to do.  If you have an energy problem, there are thousands of Beachbody coaches that will help you in an instant.  Smoking?  just do it people.  It doesn’t matter what your road block is.  YOU CAN OVERCOME IT. Whatever it is. YOU CAN DO IT!!  Ya gotta believe.  Stop crying in your collective milk cartons and get it done.  Or you can choose to remain as you are.  But the sad reality is if were not improving…… were rotting…. I don’t care if were rich, poor, healthy, fat, have mental problems or just have given up.  Are you stuck in a nowhere job that you HATE??  Get off your tail and find what you want. YOU are in charge of your tomorrow, nobody else…. NOBODY ELSE.