New From Beachbody: Turbo Fire ~ Available June 18

TurboFire®: High Intensity Interval Training from Chalene Johnson.
Burn up to 9x more fat than with regular cardio doing TurboFire.


If you’re looking for a way to blast that last bit of fat from your midsection, hips, legs…   Look no further!!
Featuring High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), these 12 workout classes make you sweat with the hottest music and moves.
And forget about rushing to the gym for the best spot in class. With TurboFire, class starts when you Push Play.

The Secret Behind TurboFire.

TurboFire workouts include interval training known as “HIIT.”
These routines combine short bursts of intense exercise with quick recovery periods to ignite your metabolism. The result is a phenomenon known as the AfterBurn Effect, which enables you to burn fat at an accelerated rate for a full 24 to 48 hours after your workout.
In fact, studies show that with HIIT, you’ll work out for less than half the time you normally would doing regular cardio, and burn up to 9x more fat.

The Best Trainer

Chalene has helped countless thousands reach their goals with ChaLEAN Extreme® and Turbo Jam®. Now you can turn up the burn with TurboFire.
The Best Music

With over 20 hits, the TurboFire soundtrack is smoking-hot. You’ll love scorching calories to remixes of “Bad Girls,” “In the Ayer,” and “Proud Mary.”
The Best Workouts

TurboFire classes (some as short as 10 minutes) will have you punching harder and kicking higher to help you burn 9x more calories than with regular cardio.

The Best Spot in Class

Tired of driving to pricey gyms and working around their class schedules? Try TurboFire and you’re always guaranteed the best spot in class.

  Chalene and Beachbody will get you there, is it time to go for it??

This is the program I’ll be attacking as I finish off my 3rd round of P90X.  It’s time to blast the last bit off of the Love handles and waist.  And this is the program to do it.

Available in Late June.

Look at the Turbo Fire video here, and get ready to burn.

P90X Plus ~ The Big Brother of P90X

Started yesterday, Monday, April 19th.  I’d just got home from busing my behind riding horses all weekend, and sure coulda used a day off, but I’d already entered the next 90 days worth of workouts into my on-line calendar, so yesterday, off I went.  Now, anybody who has had the guts to start and keep going with P90X knows, this program is not for wimps.  It’s HARD.  It takes a commitment that many do not possess.  It takes a drive and will power that if completed, improves so many areas of your life, I can’t begin to count the benefits.  I’ve completed two 90 days rounds of P90x now, and was going to start a 3rd, when I just decided to kick it up a notch.  So I ordered P90x Plus.  It’s a more intense version of the best-selling workout program in America.  Why is it the best-selling program in America??  Because if you push play each and every day ( 6 days a week ) and just follow along at your own pace…. IT WORKS.  It flat-out WORKS. I’ve lost 25 pounds on this program, gained muscle, lost my gut, and in general am happier, have way more energy, am more positive, am able to handle stress MUCH better and my overall confidence level is up as well.  Not that I had too much trouble in that area B4.   Keep in mind, I’ve been in Advertising sales for 25 years, so I’m used to talking to people.  Anyway, back to P90x Plus.  I started yesterday,  day 1: Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus.  The biggest difference right off the bat, was the pace, it’s a frigging race, Weights, to pull up bar, back to the floor, to pull up bar, quick change weights, WRITE IT DOWN!!  Reps and weight!! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!  GOODGAWDDAMN!!!!  I had to pause a few times just to not fall behind too much. And it’s all that’s advertised, more intense workout.  A great workout.  And after it’s over, I realize I have the damn Abs/Core Plus to do.  So……. being the intense jerk I am… I push play and go for it.  Most workouts would have been done already, long done…. Not a Tony Horton workout.  He’s just filthy in his training.  Filthy good I mean, motivating….  He makes you want to try harder.  This Abs Core Plus workout has many more Ab exercises than the Ab Ripper X of the P90X series.  Many of them are done with the  pull up bar so multiple areas are used at the same time, hence the Abs/CORE name, huh??  So, I finally finish yesterday, and am pretty proud of myself, shower and take on the day.   I workout in the morning, I’m a morning guy.  Always up @ 5:00AM or so without an alarm, I just wake up then.  So my  workouts are easier for me, the wife is still sleeping, I can go to my mancave and go for it.  I love completing my workouts b4 most people have even got out of bed, I feel I’ve really completed a day’s worth of activity, before I sit down at my desk and start work.

Now, I have this little heart condition called A-Fib.  It’s where your heart decides for whatever reason to start beating irregularly.  Different people have different triggers, mine seems to be dehydration.  And it usually happens when I return from a Cavalry weekend, that night or the next day.  Well, since I’ve been working out, I’ve only had one or two episodes, and they’ve been very short.  If the heart doesn’t right itself, you have to go to the emergency room and if they can’t get it to start beating regularly with an IV drug, you sign a waiver, and they put you under and use electric shock paddles to try to restart the sucker.  I’ve had that done one time, and that one time was enough to get me pretty serious about changing my health patterns.  They have you sign the damn waiver cause there is about a 5 – 10% chance that you’ll not wake up from this procedure….. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???   In the last 5 years, I’ve had to go to emergency about 4 times or so, but only got paddled once.  So… last night my heart starts jumping around like  jumping jacks, beating waaaaaay out of the normal range, and I think…. greeeeaaaatttttt, and wait for it to come around.  It doesn’t, so I go to bed, usually it’ll fix itself in my sleep…. It doesn’t ….. I wake up this morning with it still flipping around in my chest, and I go downstairs to the mancave and have my morning routine, I watch my Sim Baseball team pay a game, and drink my coffee… It’s still going on.  And I decide, Screw it.  I’m on day two of my new program, and I’m not going to miss a day because of this.  Today is Interval X Plus.  Now, I’ve never done it, but it sounds like a bitch, cause I’ve seen examples of Interval training before.  I decide to push play and see what happens.   I put on my heart monitor, and it won’t register a damn thing cause it can’t figure out my heart rate…. greeeeaaaattttt.. So we start the damn warm ups, and I quickly realize that this Interval training is the real deal, it makes plyo seem like kindergarten ferchrisakes!!.   And after a few moves, after I’ve gotten my heart rate up, I push the button on the heart rate monitor, and it registers, 145, which means I’ve jumped my heart rate back to normal….  AWESOME!!!!  I doubt if a Dr.  would recommend restarting it that way, but… damn  it worked!!   And I finish this program.  It’s a total bitch though.  Interval training is doing an exercise in three stages, stage one is you just go through the motions, not too hard, do the moves, stage two is up the game, knees up, hands in the air, whatever can push this to the next level, stage three is balls to the walls full effort on whatever you’re doing, usually they last for 15 seconds for each stage.  I really finish up strong on this, but feel like I’ve been hit by a bus….  So the day is underway, and I’ve:  a: completed a second day of a mother workout program that would make most 25 year olds cry for mommy  b: taken care of a potential medical issue on my own  and c: am alive to write about it here……. howz THAT for getting shit done B4 8:00 AM!!

tomorrow:  TOTAL BODY PLUS…. If I write tomorrow, you know I survived it….