Random Thoughts ~ once again

So, this picture is NOT the way I feel or look… anymore.  But I thought it was appropriate for some random thoughts on this Sunday afternoon.

  Lets start with energy and fitness, I went out with some friends and watched the Apple Cup last night,  University of Washington and Washington State University and their annual rivalry game was great, great, great.  UW beat WSU and will advance to a bowl game for the first time since 2002. Long time, many long Saturday afternoons have been spent the last 8 years watching the Huskies take the gas pipe.  What a fun, rewarding rebuilding process it’s been.  I really enjoy seeing broken things fixed.  I don’t care if it’s people, old cars, teams,  programs,  clubs… it doesn’t matter. One of my favorite hobbies is taking something that needs help and turning it around.  Then turn it over to someone else once it’s repaired…. Good stuff.  And this morning, I woke up with a slight football win hangover…. And did NOT want to exercise…. but I pushed play, and I did my 60 minutes, and sweated out all that was ailing me.

What else… Yea, my new job, I just spent my first week in my new territory working for Living Social and outside of the frustration of learning everything brand new at my age, it went well.  I really love the energy of being with such a company that is just tearing it up in every way. There is much competion however our niche and the quality of our process and training has all of us in the field postured just right.  The merchants are lining up to be featured and I really enjoy this so far.  It’s very positive, hard rewarding work.  And after owning my own company for 25 years, it’s kind of nice to be in a large company that is taken it to the streets like we are. This weeks big news was that a small company in Seattle had just bought a “minority” stake in Living Social for 183 Million dollars. How cool it’s going to be moving forward knowing that Amazon, the world’s number one  on-line shopping site and Living Social one of the countries fastest growing Social Media and Networking companies are working together to give the US and the rest of the world great deals on the coolest stuff to do and see in their communities.  I feel like the whole career change for me was just meant to be, from the interview process, to the hiring, training, and my new-found energy and passion in my life.  Thank you  P9oX, TurboFire, and Beachbody getting my body and mind strong again so I can take on the challenges of my new career.  I’m very grateful for the help in re-inventing myself.

Speaking of challenges, for most of 2010, I’ve been working at building up my Beachbody Coaching business, following their game plan for success and doing my best to make their success club each month.  I have missed it only a few times all year and I’m proud of that accomplishment.  In fact, I was invited to a Luncheon with CEO of Beachbody, Carl Daikeler, and Tony Horton this last weekend in Portland, but I could not attend.  How cool though, to be invited as one of the top producers in the Northwest.  Another reason to be proud for sure.   I worked hard to recieve my Diamond Coaching status, and will continue helping others get fit and healthy and maintain that status to best of my ability.

Although I cannot spend as much time on my Beachbody business now that I’m working for Living Social, they do go hand in hand, I must maintain my commitment to working out 6 days a week, so I’m prepared both mentally and physically to handle the demands of my new position.  I’m committed to both, and must stay frosty on that.  My workouts, my quality of work to my new position are both NON-Negotiable.  I’ll maintain high standards with both, and take pride knowing that I’m doing my absolute best I can.